Composer Catalog allows you to import tracks\two ways. The first technique is importing from a CSV file (comma-separated values). It is very important to note that the .csv file must conform to certain formatting.

To import a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, go to FILE >> IMPORT >> TRACK FILE (CSV)

Then you will see a screen that asks you for the directory that contains the .csv file. Navidate to the csv directory. Once you select the folder, you will then see a list of any .csv files that are in that directory. Find the one you want to import and click on it.

In order for the .csv file to import, it must be in a certain format. If you are not sure about the format, take a moment and look at the template .csv file provided (see the file location on the import screen)

The CSV file MUST have these fields. If not, your file will not be able to import correctly.

Track Title - this would be the title of your track
Track Type - must be i or n (instrumental or song)
Genre - example values: Blues, Rock, Country, etc..
Registered - must be a y or n
Is Signed - must be a y or n
Key of Track - example values: C. Dmin, Emaj 
Track Length - must be in MM:SS. M:SS, or :SS format
BPM - must be a number (ex: 132)
PRO ID - must be a number
PRO Date - must be in MM/DD/YYYY format

Composer Catalog will let you know if you are trying to import genres that do not exist. You will then have the option of having the system create them for you.

After you select your .csv file and the format is good, the next screen will display the data. (see image below ). At the minimum, you will need to have track title, track type, and genre filled in before you can import any tracks.

the IMPORT ALL check box allows you to select/deselect all the tracks for import.

the SET COMPLETED checkbox lets the system know that you have all the information that you need for the tracks you are importing. If you are going to come back at some point to fill in the rest of the data, we highly suggest you make sure that the Track Complete checkbox is NOT checked. These tracks will be flagged and you will be able to get to them through the TAG INCOMPLETE TRACKS section.

The VALIDATED checkbox tells the user that all the required fields are filled in correctly.

You can do a mass update by highlighting multiple tracks and clicking the EDIT TRACKS button (it will have the number of tracks you have highlighted in it. Int he image below, there are 10 tracks highlighted, so the button says "EDIT (10) TRACKS ".

If you click the EDIT TRACKS button and you have some tracks selected, this window will appear (see image below). After you add whatever data you want applied, click the OK button.

Once you have successfully loaded up the .csv and made any necessary edits, you can now click the Import button. If the import button is disabled, it means that your data is not formatted correctly or you do not have all three required fields filled in.